Growing evidence is revealing a link between gut health and cardiovascular wellbeing. A recent 2023 review explored how the trillions of microbes residing in the gut impact heart health. It found that gut bacteria play a crucial role in regulating cholesterol levels, inflammation, and blood pressure – all key risk factors for heart disease. Getting To The Heart of It Regulating Cholesterol Levels- Gut bacteria have the potential to influence cholesterol production and absorption. They can potentially help to decrease LDL cholesterol levels (an indicator of high cholesterol) and raise HDL cholesterol levels (an indicator of healthy cholesterol). Managing Inflamation- The gut microbiome plays...
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Understanding the connection between the gut and hormones can help with navigating the complexities of women's health. From the onset of menstruation to the transformative stages of perimenopause, menopause and beyond, these physiological transitions rely heavily on the eb and flow of hormones, which can be largely impacted by gut health. By making some simple lifestyle adjustments and understanding our complex gut ecosystem, we can help keep our hormones as balanced as possible for optimal wellness throughout these changes (Tilt 2023). First of all, understanding the gut-hormone connection is key. Within our gut resides an astonishingly vast community of microorganisms,...
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Is getting your gut health in check at the top of your goals and resolutions list for 2024? Taking control of your gut health is a transformative journey, and understanding what to expect during the initial phases is crucial for a smooth and successful experience. Let’s dive into prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics, and what you should expect for your journey ahead. Understanding the connection between prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics The best way to explain the roles that prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics play is to imagine your gut as a beautiful garden. The prebiotics are the nutrient-rich soil and the probiotics...
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Während Sportbegeisterte und Menschen, die sich der körperlichen Fitness widmen, Wert auf Training, Ernährung und Erholung legen, gibt es einen oft übersehenen Faktor, der ihren Fitnessfortschritt erheblich beeinflussen kann: die Darmgesundheit. Ihr Darm spielt eine entscheidende Rolle auf Ihrem Weg zu besserer Fitness und beeinflusst Ihr Energieniveau, Ihre Nährstoffaufnahme und Ihr allgemeines Wohlbefinden. Probiotika sind eine natürliche Geheimwaffe, die Ihnen helfen kann, Ihre Fitnessziele zu erreichen, indem sie Ihre Darmgesundheit verbessert. Die Verbindung zwischen Bauch und Training Ihr Darm ist ein komplexes Ökosystem aus Billionen von Mikroorganismen, die zahlreiche Aspekte Ihres Wohlbefindens beeinflussen, darunter die Verdauung, die Gesundheit des Immunsystems...
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