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Ditching the Jab? How to boost GLP-1 naturally.

Ditching the Jab? How to boost GLP-1 naturally.

GLP-1 has been hailed as a game-changer in diabetes and obesity management. Fueled by their weight-loss potential, GLP-1 drugs like Wegovy and Ozempic have experienced a surge in popularity, with many turning to them for weight reduction. Interestingly, GLP-1 is a hormone naturally produced in the gut after a meal. It has several important functions in the body, including: Insulin Regulation: This can help regulate blood sugar levels by prompting the pancreas to release insulin when blood sugar rises after eating. Delayed gastric emptying: GLP-1 slows down the rate at which food leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine. This...

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The link between Probiotics and Metabolic Health

The link between Probiotics and Metabolic Health

A recent review found that probiotics can help improve metabolic health outcomes for adolescents. Conducted by researchers in China, the paper looked at the effect of probiotics on overweight and obese children for weight loss. Looking across four studies with 206 children, some participants were given probiotics, while others were given a placebo.     The Gut-Metabolic Connection The gut plays a crucial role in metabolic health, affecting digestion and nutrient absorption. It also impacts hormone and neurotransmitter production, influencing metabolism, satiety, cravings and eating habits. The paper found that probiotics might assist in lowering levels of certain substances in the...

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Probiotika: Der ultimative Trainingsbegleiter

Probiotika: Der ultimative Trainingsbegleiter

Während Sportbegeisterte und Menschen, die sich der körperlichen Fitness widmen, Wert auf Training, Ernährung und Erholung legen, gibt es einen oft übersehenen Faktor, der ihren Fitnessfortschritt erheblich beeinflussen kann: die Darmgesundheit. Ihr Darm spielt eine entscheidende Rolle auf Ihrem Weg zu besserer Fitness und beeinflusst Ihr Energieniveau, Ihre Nährstoffaufnahme und Ihr allgemeines Wohlbefinden. Probiotika sind eine natürliche Geheimwaffe, die Ihnen helfen kann, Ihre Fitnessziele zu erreichen, indem sie Ihre Darmgesundheit verbessert. Die Verbindung zwischen Bauch und Training Ihr Darm ist ein komplexes Ökosystem aus Billionen von Mikroorganismen, die zahlreiche Aspekte Ihres Wohlbefindens beeinflussen, darunter die Verdauung, die Gesundheit des Immunsystems...

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