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Spring Clean Your Gut: How to Reset After Winter

Spring Clean Your Gut: How to Reset After Winter

As the winter chill starts to fade and the first signs of spring emerge, many of us feel the pull to refresh and rejuvenate our surroundings. But what about your gut? Just as your home might benefit from a thorough cleaning, your digestive system can also use a reset after the more comfort-focused habits of the colder months. We’re here to help you spring into this season as the happiest and healthiest version of you.  Why a Spring Reset? Winter can be tough on our digestive system. Shorter days and colder weather often lead to a craving for comfort foods....

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Our Gut Microbiome, Gut Health and Allergies: Understanding How It’s All Connected

Our Gut Microbiome, Gut Health and Allergies: Understanding How It’s All Connected

Allergies affect around 20% of Australia’s population, with their prevalence only expected to surge by a staggering 70% by 2050. Allergic reactions occur when our bodies respond to allergens like pollen, dust or food, leading to a range of symptoms from mild sneezing to severe anaphylaxis. While genetics and the environment have long been associated with allergies, research is continuing to reveal that our gut health also plays a major role. The Hygiene Hypothesis Extensive research has found that individuals without allergies harbour a more diverse gut microbiome than those with allergies. This discovery was made back in 1989 with...

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