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Our Gut Microbiome, Gut Health and Allergies: Understanding How It’s All Connected

Allergies affect around 20% of Australia’s population, with their prevalence only expected to surge by a staggering 70% by 2050. Allergic reactions occur when our bodies respond to allergens like pollen, dust or food, leading to a range of symptoms from mild sneezing to severe anaphylaxis. While genetics and the environment have long been associated with allergies, research is continuing to reveal that our gut health also plays a major role.

The Hygiene Hypothesis

Extensive research has found that individuals without allergies harbour a more diverse gut microbiome than those with allergies. This discovery was made back in 1989 with the formation of what is called the hygiene hypothesis. This hypothesis highlighted the crucial role of early infection exposure in preventing the development and severity of allergies. Their study looked at British families and revealed that larger families, exposed to more infections, consequently had a more diverse gut microbiome and therefore were less likely to develop allergies than smaller families.

The most critical life phase for developing a diverse gut microbiome is from birth till the age of three. Unfortunately, contemporary urban lifestyles tend to impact on this natural development. Our increased comfort in urban environments, reduced outdoor activities and reliance on antibiotics has collectively diminished our exposure to infection during this time.

Consequently, when our bodies encounter harmless antigens later on, the gut tends to overreact and elicit an immune response, which is what we see with allergies.

How to Take Charge of Your Gut and Allergies

Our gut health is so important in shielding us from allergens, functioning as a powerhouse by holding 70% of the body’s immune cells. As the largest interface between our internal systems and the external environment, the gastrointestinal tract acts as a physical barrier of defence that works in tandem with our immune system to help us to process food, identify good bacteria and eliminate pathogens.

A thriving gut allows for the development of vital immune cells, known as T-cells, that make us less susceptible to allergies. A more diverse microbiome is also thought to make our immune cells better at distinguishing between harmful pathogens and beneficial bacteria. When the body is exposed to more infection, our immune cells become educated on what is good and what is bad for the body.

When our gut isn’t in good health, its protective capabilities weaken and our exposure to allergens is more likely. With our gut acting as a barrier between the external environment and our bloodstream, it’s important that we do all we can to ensure a healthy balance.

How to Take Charge of Your Gut and Allergies

So, how can we develop a healthy gut microbiome and reduce our susceptibility to allergies? Our Meluka Australia P3 Gut Builder - Triple Action Postbiotic Tonic is the perfect place to start. This tonic features a unique combination of prebiotics raw honey & inulin, Lactobacillus rhamnosus Beebiotic MAP01® probiotic plus 7 multi-strain probiotics and 2 postbiotic strains. Created with Meluka Australia’s innovative bio-fermentaion process, the path to diversifying and balancing your gut microbiome has never been easier.

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