
Gutsy No-Bake Doughnuts

Gutsy No-Bake Doughnuts

Celebrate National Doughnut Day with this morish gut-healthy take on this well-loved treat. Ingredients (Makes 6) 1/4 cup raw walnuts 1/4 cup raw cashew nuts 1/8 cup gluten-free whole rolled oats 1/2 cup (about 10) Medjool dates, pitted 1/2 tbsp organic Native Wildflower Raw Honey 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1 pinch of sea salt 1 tsp coconut oil 1 tbsp of Raw Honey Probiotic Concentrate 1/2 tbsp water 1/4 tsp vanilla extract 1/2 heaped tbsp nut butter 50g 70% dark chocolate, melted Sea salt flakes, for finishing (optional) Method Place the nuts and oats in the processor. Pulse until the...

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Building a Gut-Healthy Pantry

Building a Gut-Healthy Pantry

Stocking your pantry with essential gut-nourishing ingredients is a great way to promote digestive wellbeing. Having these staple ingredients readily available helps to simplify the process of preparing tasty, gut-friendly meals. Check out our top picks for a gut-healthy pantry and put them on your next shopping list.   The tasty daily ritual for building a healthy gut Build a healthy, thriving gut with P3 Gut Builder. Take it as a delicious daily postbiotic tonic to fast-track the benefits directly to your digestive system to build a thriving gut microbiome for better gut health and overall wellbeing. Prebiotics- help build...

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Sweet Gut Delight Coconut Fruit Bowl

Sweet Gut Delight Coconut Fruit Bowl

Treat yourself to this delicious coconut fruit bowl, packed full of prebioitcs and fibre to keep your gut feeling happy.Ingredients (Serves 1)1 tbsp organic Apple Cider Vinegar infused Raw Honey3/4 cup of Greek Yoghurt or dairy-free alternative1 cup of chopped in season fruit1 fresh whole CoconutInstructionsCarefully cut open the top of a fresh coconut and empty juice into a bowl. Scrape sides to remove coconut flesh and set aside. Mix juice with Greek Yoghurt and add into coconut. Add fruit and drizzle Apple Cider Vinegar infused Raw Honey.

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Great Gut Start Breakfast Bowl

Great Gut Start Breakfast Bowl

Ready in moments, this is the easiest way to give fuel your gut microbiome for a great start to the day. This delicious bowl is packed full of wholegrains, prebiotics, probiotics, postbiotics and superfoods that to nourish your gut. Ingredients (1 Serving) 1 tbsp P3 Gut Builder, Triple-Action Postbiotic Tonic1 scoop Care+ Gut Nutrition powder1 handful of your favourite nuts1 cup of Muesli1 tbsp of Linseed, Soy & Almond (LSA) mix1/2 cup of Greek Yoghurt or dairy-free alternative1 cup of chopped in-season fruitInstructions Fill a medium-sized bowl with museli and nuts, add greek yoghurt and top with LSA mix. Sprinkle Care+ Gut Nutrition powder, P3...

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