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Check these 3 things for Bowel Health

In Australia, Bowel cancer is the 4th most commonly diagnosed cancer. Affecting both men and women, it is estimated that 1 in 20 people will be diagnosed by the time they are 85. Fortunately, early detection can help prevent bowel cancer in 90% of cases. Let’s take a look at 3 things you should take a closer look at this week for your bowel health.

Screen Test

If you are over 50, regular screening every 2 years is important as bowel cancer can occur without obvious symptoms or any family history. With early detection, 90% of bowel cancers can be successfully treated. In Australia, adults between 50 to 74 are eligible for a free test from the National Bowel Cancer Screening program every two years. Visit the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program website for more information.

Assess your Plate

While the exact cause of most bowel cancers are unknown, our diet can increase the risk of polyps developing and progressing into cancer over time. Check your meals for these key areas-

Fibre: Aim for a diet rich in natural fibre from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Fibre helps move waste through the digestive system, limiting the exposure of harmful chemicals in the bowel.

Red Meat: Reduce consumption of red meat (beef, pork, lamb) and avoid processed consumption of processed meats like bacon, sausages, and ham.

    Fit Check

    Staying physically active can help lower the risk of developing bowel cancer by promoting a healthy weight and boosting your overall wellbeing. Conversely, being overweight or obese and carrying can increase your risk of bowel cancer. It is estimated that 11 out of 100 bowel cancers (11%) in the UK are linked to individuals with an unhealthy body weight.

    The Right Tract

    There are promising findings that suggest good gut health might play a role in reducing the risk of bowel cancer. Building a healthy gut microbiome can support a strong immune system and optimise nutrient absorption. Additionally, short-chain fatty acids, often found in postbiotics can help regulate cell growth and cell health.

    Fast-Track to a Healthy Gut

    Build a healthy, thriving gut with P3 Gut Builder. This powerful triple-action Postbiotic Tonic is teeming with beneficial metabolites, ready for instant delivery straight to your gut microbiome for digestive health and overall wellness. Take it as a delicious daily postbiotic tonic to fast-track the benefits directly to your digestive system to build a thriving gut microbiome for better gut health and overall wellbeing.


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