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3 habits to help with burnout

Find yourself feeling overwhelmed, fatigued, and emotionally exhausted? This might be a sign of burnout. Recent research has shown that nearly half of working adults in Australia report experiencing burnout. When you feel burnout, it is important to take note of when these symptoms occur and their impact on your daily life- even your gut. At the same time, look to build 3 simple habits to help bring back balance.

1. Prioritise Sleep

Quality sleep plays a crucial role in enhancing cognitive function and emotional resilience. Research shows that restorative sleep contributes to improved memory, cognitive function and overall brain health. When you achieve sufficient, restful sleep, your body and mind are better equipped to manage stress, reducing feelings of overwhelm and fatigue. This is particularly important when experiencing burnout, as quality rest can play an important role in recovery.

2. Set Clear Boundaries

Setting boundaries can help to reinforce a sense of control over your life. Burnout often stems from feelings of helplessness or feeling overwhelmed by external pressures. Boundaries remind you that you have the power to make decisions about your time, resources, and emotional energy. Not sure where to start? Learn how to identify your limits- are there situations, people, or tasks that leave you
feeling drained, stressed, or resentful? Start small by setting up bite-sized
manageable changes in one area that leaves you feeling the most drained.

3. Nourish your Body & Gut

Studies have found that nourishing your body with a diverse range of foods - vegetables, fruits, and lean protein is key to burnout recovery. Feeding your gut can also help support your resilience to stress. A healthy gut microbiome can promote the production of neurotransmitters that boost mood, such as serotonin, helping the body and mind cope better with stress.

Start with your Gut

Managing stress and cortisol levels is closely connected to maintaining a healthy gut. Research has revealed that dopamine receptors are widely distributed throughout the gastrointestinal tract, where neurotransmitters are produced. Dopamine, in particular, plays a crucial role in our ability to experience pleasure and reward. A healthy gut microbiome also supports nutrient absorption, providing the body with essential building blocks for stress management and mood regulation. An easy way to build a healthy gut is with a daily serving of P3 Gut Builder. This triple-action postbiotic tonic is deliciously easy to enjoy as a rapid gut health boost for digestive and overall wellbeing.


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