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멜루카 호주 블로그 — Anti-Inflammatory

Turn over a new leaf this Autumn: Your guide to superfoods for a happier digestive system

Turn over a new leaf this Autumn: Your guide to superfoods for a happier digestive system

Autumn is among us, and what better way to embrace the new season than by giving your digestive system the refresh it deserves? It's no secret that the key to feeling energised and at your best is through a healthy, thriving gut microbiome. Let's dive into some of our top picks to spruce up your meals and, ultimately, your gut health this season and beyond. Lean into Lean Protein Protein is essential, but the source matters. Opt for lean and high-quality choices like fish, chicken, eggs, and legumes. These foods provide the building blocks your body’s gut bacteria needs without...

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