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Der Wellness-Buzz

Was sind Postbiotika?

Die akkreditierte, praktizierende Ernährungsberaterin Chloe McLeod wirft einen Blick auf Postbiotika und wie P3 Gut Builder den Aufbau einer besseren Darmgesundheit revolutioniert.


Kim found her immune system kick-started and symptoms of menopause diminished.

Kim found her immune system kick-started and symptoms of menopause diminished.

Since taking P3 Gut Builder for the last 6 months, Kim felt it helped boost her immune system and eased her menopause symptoms, including hot flushes. Click to watch now.
Johno felt his bloating and stomach pains reduce, plus a boost in mood and energy levels.

Johno felt his bloating and stomach pains reduce, plus a boost in mood and energy levels.

After 30 days with the Gut Nutrition system, Johno felt his daily bloating and stomach pains reduce.
Why Catherine brings P3 Gut Builder when she travels with her kids.

Why Catherine brings P3 Gut Builder when she travels with her kids.

Catherine shares how P3 Gut Builder has made a difference to her and her family’s gut health. Click to watch now.
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Vorbeugen ist süßer als Heilen

Entdecken Sie mit der akkreditierten Ernährungsberaterin Chloe McLeod, warum die tägliche Auswahl gesunder Lebensmittel eines der besten Dinge ist, die wir tun können, um gesund zu bleiben.

The gut health and hair loss connection

The gut health and hair loss connection

Hair loss is a concern often experienced as we age. From thinning to hair fall, hair loss tends to be...

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5 Tasty Staples to Help Lower Cortisol

5 Tasty Staples to Help Lower Cortisol

Feel like high cortisol is taking its toll on your health and overall wellbeing? Cortisol is often called the "stress...

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Busting Bloating Myths: How Gut Health Plays a Role and How to Find Relief

Busting Bloating Myths: How Gut Health Plays a Role and How to Find Relief

Bloating is a common discomfort with roots deeper than diet alone. Food intolerances, high-sodium meals, and even certain medical conditions...

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